Business Idea: iPad Magazine Rack

28 01 2010

Back in December, I wrote about a Magazine Store. And just yesterday Apple introduced it’s newest creation, the iPad. The hype leading up to it was that Apple would revolutionize printed media like books and magazines. So far the vision is there, but it is blurry at best and may take some time to develop. So far Apple has created an iBooks store for books to be added to the iPad, but nothing has been said yet about magazines (and comic books). But it’ll probably eventually happen. If it does, how great would it be if my magazine store had iPads instead of magazines? Well ClarkeHopkinsClarke visualized a wall full of iPads and I think this would be an excellent idea for my store! Their main vision was for the iPads to be like a replacement for mosaic tiles on an interior wall, but they also mention them as a great “life sized digital bookcase.” In this way, it would be a great display for my store. It’d be where the visitors to my store would pick up their iPad magazines to browse. Oh well just another idea floating around for now. 🙂
iPad Wall