The Search For: Great Roadtrips

26 05 2011

Probably one of the best blog posts I’ve ever read b/c he described perfectly what is probably my favorite thing to do: The Roadtrip. I just came back from a boat cruise to Bermuda for my buddy’s wedding. Totally not the same as a car cruise! Too bad I can’t take a roadtrip to Bermuda!

Speedhunters – The Call of the Road Trip by Linhbergh

Photo Courtesy of Linhbergh from Speedhunters

iPad 2: Not Quite the Magazine Experience

9 03 2011

Engadget published a first hands-on about the iPad 2 and what piqued my interest was this:

“The design feels great in your hands. Sleek, super thin — much nicer to hold than the previous version. Definitely has more of a magazine than book feel. Everything is tight and solid. It is pretty amazing how thin they’ve gotten the device.”

I’m an avid magazine reader and if the new iPad 2 has more of a magazine than book feel like they said, I’d be very happy with the iPad 2. However, I’m still reluctant because the magazine experience I think is still better with the print copy than a digital copy on an iPad. I will have to spend more time using an iPad 2 to read magazines, but from my experiences so far with the original iPad (which has the same form factor anyway), I would rather stick to traditional print magazines. The biggest issue is that the iPad 2 is basically only half the size of an open magazine. You can’t look at the iPad as a 2-page spread, but rather as a single page. On an iPad it’s hard to read an article and quickly glance at the pictures like you can with a print magazine because you have to zoom in to read the article. You almost need to have 2 iPads with a spine. And I don’t see that happening with future generations of the iPad or with other tablets in general. Steve Jobs joked how 2011 is the Year of the Copycats. And he’s right. What a shame. Unfortunately, Microsoft cancelled their Courier concept which I think could’ve been a great competitor to the iPad. It could’ve been a great alternative as it would meet the needs of different users. But like everyone else, they’re instead probably going to try to copy Apple’s iPad if they eventually try to join the tablet wars.

The cancelled Microsoft Courier Tablet concept. Picture courtesy of Engadget:
Microsoft Courier Concept<

Worth The Dough (WTD): An Introduction

5 11 2009

Here is an introduction to what will become a regular feature on my blog. As a person who knows the value of a dollar but doesn’t like to skimp on quality, I’m always trying make the right decisions when it comes to buying my toys. I don’t want to buy something that’s not worth buying, and I don’t want to buy a cheap toy just to save some money if it’s better to spend a little more for features I would need.

So my WTD feature will showcase the toys that I’ve deemed to be worth the dough. Is it worthy of buying? Is it worth it to spend a little more to get the higher model? In each case, I’ll be providing commentary on my thought process and the criteria I used to come to my decision. And then I’ll summarize the outcome of my choice to find out if it was Worth The Dough. I hope this can help my readers with their decisions too!

In the meantime check out this decision-making flowchart from scordit.

The Search For: Great Driving Roads

12 08 2009

This past Sunday was a gorgeous day so I decided to take my Corrado out for a nice enjoyable drive around Long Island. I love driving so I like taking random drives whenever I get the chance. It helps clear my head as well. This time as I drove around I decided to explore some new roads on Long Island I haven’t taken before. I took some back roads near Huntington and realized that I’ve lived on LI for 25 years and there are still many areas that I haven’t explored before! I bet there are plenty of fun roads to drive on. I think it’d be fun to search for the best driving roads in the northeast.

But what do I consider a fun road? There are 3 main ingredients for a great driving road:

  • Smooth
  • Winding and curvy
  • Nice Scenery

Do you agree? What are some great driving roads that you know of?