Worth The Dough (WTD): An Introduction

5 11 2009

Here is an introduction to what will become a regular feature on my blog. As a person who knows the value of a dollar but doesn’t like to skimp on quality, I’m always trying make the right decisions when it comes to buying my toys. I don’t want to buy something that’s not worth buying, and I don’t want to buy a cheap toy just to save some money if it’s better to spend a little more for features I would need.

So my WTD feature will showcase the toys that I’ve deemed to be worth the dough. Is it worthy of buying? Is it worth it to spend a little more to get the higher model? In each case, I’ll be providing commentary on my thought process and the criteria I used to come to my decision. And then I’ll summarize the outcome of my choice to find out if it was Worth The Dough. I hope this can help my readers with their decisions too!

In the meantime check out this decision-making flowchart from scordit.



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